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April 13, 2015

Audiobook Review: A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

A Little Something DifferentTitle: If You Find Me

Author: Emily Murdoch

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

Release Date: March 26th, 2013

Goodreads Summary: 
The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that Gabe and Lea should get together. Lea and Gabe are in the same creative writing class. They get the same pop culture references, order the same Chinese food, and hang out in the same places. Unfortunately, Lea is reserved, Gabe has issues, and despite their initial mutual crush, it looks like they are never going to work things out.  But somehow even when nothing is going on, something is happening between them, and everyone can see it. Their creative writing teacher pushes them together. The baristas at Starbucks watch their relationship like a TV show. Their bus driver tells his wife about them. The waitress at the diner automatically seats them together. Even the squirrel who lives on the college green believes in their relationship. 

Surely Gabe and Lea will figure out that they are meant to be together....

A little Something Different was a book I had been looking forward to reading since I caught whiff of the concept. The sad thing is that I probably wouldn't have picked it up any time soon with all the books I currently own that are sitting on my shelf collecting dust. I had actually checked it out from the library a while back but didn't get around to reading it. That's when I knew I had to do something about that, so I checked out the audiobook to listen to while I was at work. How was I supposed to miss out on a book about two people where everyone around them know they're meant to be together, but they haven't quite figured it out? I needed it!

The story is incredibly cute. It's from the perspective of 14 different people (or squirrels) and they all think the two main characters are perfect for each other. While that was the thing I loved the most about this book, being able to see the romance unfold from so many different perspectives, it's also what made it difficult to enjoy as an audiobook. There were two narrators and they just took turns reading different sections of the book. I didn't like the female narrator at all. Her voice was high pitched and her character voices weren't different enough to be able to distinguish them as the story progressed. I really had to pay attention to any changes that happened so I wouldn't be lost in the story. The male narrator was a lot better with his character voices. He had a different voice for each of them and he always managed to change the tone of his voice to match the characters.

The story itself was great. It's very quick and one you can read/listen to in one sitting. My favorite point of views were the waitress, the squirrel (so cute), and the bench (such a unique pov). The perspectives from their closest friends was really enjoyable as well. Casey was very funny, but he also shows that he really cares for Gabe. Even though the story is cute and light with perspectives from the most random people, like a bus driver, it also has some serious topics. It's also a great diverse book. The main character, Lea, is Asian, and the author also delves into sexual orientation.

By the end it got easier to distinguish the different voices and I ended up really enjoying the audiobook. I might read the actual book sometime in the future because it's such a really quick read.

★ ★ ★ ★/5

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