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December 22, 2014

What I Hope To Read Over Christmas Break!

I don't know about you guys but I am hoping to read like crazy during the Christmas break! I have a half day of school on the 23rd and I go back on the 5th of January so that is actually a pretty long break. I have a few readathons and such that I am going to be participating in but I am also doing a readathon with @edyngrey! We are starting on the 21st of December which is this Saturday and going until January 4th. We are hoping to read a book a day, or 15 books! You can see Edyn's post and TBR here! It's going to be quite a challenge but I am always up for one!

Now, what I know you have all been waiting for, THE BOOKS!

Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards (I own a paperback of this book.)
Through to You by Emily Hainsworth (I own a paperback of this book.)
Skinny by Donna Cooner (I got a copy of this through ARCycling! Thank you!)
The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord (I got this from the publisher! Thank you!)

I know this is only four books but I don't always do great with TBRs so I want to give myself plenty of wiggle room! Also, I probably will get books or gift cards for books for Christmas so I probably will have some new goodies to read! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you may celebrate! 


  1. It looks like you've picked out some good books to read over the holiday break! I've been meaning to read Six Months Later-it sounds really amazing and I love the whole premise. Good luck on your reading and happy holidays!

    1. Thank you! It does sound amazing!
      Happy Holidays to you as well!

  2. I am so jealous that you received The Start of Me and You early! (Spoiler alert: it's my Waiting on Wednesday pick of this week :p) I hope you really enjoy it, I loved Open Road Summer so much so I am patiently awaiting the month of May when this comes out!

    1. :D I will have to let you know if I like it! I am sure I will, it sounds amazing!

  3. Nice picks, Jacquelyn! I think I'm going to read Open Road Summer before starting The Start of Me and You. Happy Holidays and good luck with all that reading ;)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I want to read both but probably ORS after The Star! Happy Holidays to you as well!

  4. I haven't read these but the cover of The Start of Me and You is GORGEOUS! (And I know what you mean about TBRs- I never follow them very well lol)

    1. Isn't it?! AHH! LOL. So far, I haven't read any of these books but we shall see!
