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April 3, 2015

April Book Club Announcement!

Jacquelyn and I have a monthly book club! Every month we pick a book that we've both been wanting to read and haven't yet gotten to. This month was Jacquelyn's turn to choose so we will be reading...*drumroll please*...The Kiss of Deception! I'm sure you already gathered that much from the graphic, but I'm all about the suspense. Anyway, if you want to join all you have to do is pick up the book this month, read it, and DISCUSS!

We think this will make a perfect buddy read since it's told in three perspectives but you don't now who's who until the middle of the story. It'll be fun to see who we think is the prince and who's the assassin. Be sure to let us know if you'll be reading this with us!


  1. I love buddy reading! I hope you both in enjoy this book. I haven't read it yet, but plan on binging as long as it steers clear of a triangle. :D
