This is extremely late so basically, bout of books...I'm participating. For those of you who don't know what it is, here you go:
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
My Goals:
I hope to read three of the books mentioned above and both novellas. My semester of college just started this week though, so we'll see how things work out.
Are you participating too?
What are you reading?
Forged is on my wishlist! I loved the first book, but still haven't been able to pick up the second book! Ughh so jealous! (: